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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Bread Day

 Good morning,

Yesterday was bread day so the house smelled wonderful.

This week when making bread it has taken much longer for the yeast to rise.  It often relates to the weather and humidity.  The bread is still wonderful, but I have had to add time to both the first and second rise times to make it.

For those of you who make your own bread, do you find yeast rise times differ from season to season and in different types of weather?  I have been making my own bread for about thirty years now and adjust to whatever the yeast wants to do to make good loaves of bread.  I can see why it is difficult for newbee bread makes to bake a good loaf without the experience of dealing with temperamental yeast.

We'll have yummy sandwiches today!

All the best,



gigi-hawaii said...

I used to have a bread machine, which was convenient to use. I donated it after many years. I just buy my bread now -- Raisin bread, Whole wheat, and Sourdough English muffins.

Rose said...

It has been many years since I have made any sort of home made yeast bread. I never made a lot but used to always make yeast rolls for the holidays. That was winter so not a lot to deal with other than keep it warm. To do that I cleared out a bottom cabinet and set my bowl on one shelf and put a heating pad in the cabinet, not touching the bowl, on low, just to keep the air warm...and it worked great.

I did work at a small bakery for a while, and I know the humidity and heat really changes things.