About this Blog: Bread making recipes, knit and crochet projects, wood working, gardening, digital imaging, travel, cruise ships, Labrador Retrievers, and more....

About the Header Image: Idlebrook Wendy Darling Evensen "Wendy" one of our four Labrador Retrievers.

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Trumpet Vine

 Good morning,

Do you see the orange flowers in the image above?  Those are Trumpet Vine blossoms.

 Here is a zoomed image.  If you've had experience with these, you know the hummingbirds love them.  The vines are also something you will live with forever unless you move.  

I planted what looked like a dead (at least totally dehydrated) piece of trumpet vine about thirty years ago to attract humming birds and it worked and kept working.  The humming birds visit and once in a great while I manage to get a picture of them, but not today.  

Also, those Trumpet Vines are now everywhere.  They will grow on tree trunks, fences, and just on open ground.  We have them everywhere.  But, that's ok.  The lawn mower keeps them under control on the lawn.  ;)

All the best,


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Summer Sunset

 Good morning,

I took this image of the evening sky while I was seated at my patio table.

So very pretty!

Happy Summer,


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I-75 Bridge Going North Crossing the Mighty Ohio River

 Good morning,

I was lucky to get an image between the steel of the I-75 Bridge as we traveled North from Kentucky after lunch with friends recently.

To the left you can see a portion of the Cincinnati skyline.

What a gorgeous day!

All the best,





Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cincinnati Sports Venues

 Good morning,

I snapped this series of images as we crossed the Ohio River, then moved across Fort Washington Way in Cincinnati. 

 Fort Washington Way is a divider between the buildings that make up the Cincinnati skyline and our sports venues.

 The dividing "line" is quite distinct, isn't it....

 Downtown Cincinnati used to be the center of business and commerce, but all of that has changed during the past 50 years.

The sports venues and the many restaurants and shops that come with them are a great source of revenue to the City.  The business offices and retail stores have largely moved to the suburbs. 

So, there is change through my lifetime and there will be surely more change after I am gone.

Cincinnati is a beautiful city and a wonderful place to raise children.  In addition to this expanse of "temples of sport" on the river, we have a world class Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, are leaders in Medical Research and Treatment, have outstanding colleges and universities, and have one of the oldest and best Zoos in the country, the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens.  Of course, there is other history here where we have produced US Presidents and leaders in industry.

The very best attribute Cincinnati has is its people who are known to be kind and generous.

We have traveled the world, but I am always glad to come home to Cincinnati.

All the best,


Monday, July 22, 2024

Lunch With Friends

 Good morning,

This is why we made the trip across the Ohio River to Northern Kentucky:  Lunch with good friends.  We manage to get together at least a couple of times a year and it is very special when we do.  The common thread of our many years of friendship is the three guys who have worked or do work for Royal Caribbean.  Also, Tor was the Best Man in our wedding sooooo many years ago.  ;) 

From the back:  Tor and Teresa, Gary and Lynne, Kjell and me.  

Sadly, the seating arrangement and noise in this restaurant weren't optimal for conversation.  We'll look for another one next time.

But, it sure was fun to see everyone!

If you have good friends, don't wait to see them.  See them often.

All the best,


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Roebling Bridge

 Good morning,

Some folks will look at this image and think they are seeing the Brooklyn Bridge repainted, however that is not the case at all.

This is the Roebling Suspension Bridge across the Ohio River between Ohio and Kentucky at Cincinnati.  John Roebling built this one before he built the famous Brooklyn Bridge.

When I was a child, we called this one the "singing bridge" because of the sound the tires made as we drove across it.

More to come of our trip to Kentucky....


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Downtown Cincinnati - P&G Towers

 Good morning,

I shot this image through the windshield of our car as we were on our way out to lunch with friends.

Here we are approaching downtown Cincinnati on I-71.  Those twin towers are the International Headquarters of Procter and Gamble.  

More images to come from this outing....

 Stay tuned,
