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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wild Strawberries and Science Project Memories

Good morning,

I remember these wild strawberries in the grass when I was a child.  They remind me of a science project that was great fun.
I'm guessing I was in the Fifth or Sixth Grade when the science teacher gave us a project to mark off a one foot square of our yard, then record what happened there daily. 

I remember looking forward to going out every afternoon after school and writing down these important things which included:  an ant walking across the area, a wild strawberry blooming, raindrops on the grass, etc.  It was a brilliant assignment from our science teacher to help us become aware of the small things that happen right under our noses.

What was your favorite science project?


1 comment:

Beth said...

Teachers like this fire the immagination. In Einstein's words, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”

