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Monday, July 22, 2024

Lunch With Friends

 Good morning,

This is why we made the trip across the Ohio River to Northern Kentucky:  Lunch with good friends.  We manage to get together at least a couple of times a year and it is very special when we do.  The common thread of our many years of friendship is the three guys who have worked or do work for Royal Caribbean.  Also, Tor was the Best Man in our wedding sooooo many years ago.  ;) 

From the back:  Tor and Teresa, Gary and Lynne, Kjell and me.  

Sadly, the seating arrangement and noise in this restaurant weren't optimal for conversation.  We'll look for another one next time.

But, it sure was fun to see everyone!

If you have good friends, don't wait to see them.  See them often.

All the best,



gigi-hawaii said...

Yes, always nice to be with loved ones.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That is good advice, Lois, and we always try to see long time friends whenever possible and in between visits, phone calls, emails and text messages keep us in contact.