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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Wild Strawberry

 Good morning,

When I was a child we didn't have cell phones and we didn't watch TV all day.  We went outside to play and we did it without constant adult supervision.  Our parents weren't bad parents, we just lived in a different time when it was normal for kids to go out and play for hours without checking in at home.

We played in our own yards most of the time and made up our own games.  I remember collecting wild strawberries like the one pictured.  No, they don't taste very good, but the birds liked them.

My childhood memories are good.  I had parents who loved me and two older brothers who were there if I ever needed backup.  I miss them all.

It's fun to see something as simple as a wild strawberry and have it trigger childhood memories....

I hope you're enjoying your summer - or winter for our friends on the other side of the Equator.


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