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About the Header Image: Idlebrook Wendy Darling Evensen "Wendy" one of our four Labrador Retrievers.

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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Power Outage

 Good morning,

Monday was an interesting day.  About Noon our power suddenly went out.

I'm on a text message system with Duke Energy to report outages and get updates.  I learned the power loss was due to a traffic accident and it would be several hours before power would be restored.  It's interesting that immediately after the power went out, we could hear loud bangs one after another.  We could only guess the noises were transformers exploding one after another on the main street near us.  

Anyway, by Noon I had my clothes washer and dryer both working, my dishwasher loaded and running, the TV on for the news while we ate lunch, when suddenly everything stopped.  Well, we did keep eating lunch.  

The one thing that did keep working all afternoon was my crochet hook.  It was a sunny day so I had no problem with light to see what I was doing.  Since Monday I've finished 80 of those circles pictured above and have started on the next color to make a large afghan blanket.

About 4 PM Monday the power suddenly returned and all of the electronics in the house flashed and beeped.  The main concern was the ADT system that started making all sorts of noises.  While trying to get it reset, the fire alarm was triggered and refused to allow us to type in the code to shut it off.

About ten minutes later we met some really nice firemen....  It's comforting to know how fast they can get here;  we are literally down the street and around the corner from the firehouse.

Yep, Monday, was quite a day here....

 I hope your week is much more calm....

All the best,


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