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About the Header Image: Idlebrook Wendy Darling Evensen "Wendy" one of our four Labrador Retrievers.

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Last Call

 Good morning,

Last call!  Before we go to bed each evening we take all the pups out for their last potty break for the night.

The evening I took this image we had two extra pups here for a sleep over so there were six ( two of ours aren't pictured) of them!

The border collies are Teddy and Tillie who belong to our friend Erica.  She travels a great deal for her work so Teddy and Tillie come here rather than having to go to a kennel while their mommy is gone.

I think they sometimes think they live here.  They are very good pups.

All the best,


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