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About the Header Image: Idlebrook Wendy Darling Evensen "Wendy" one of our four Labrador Retrievers.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Inventory of Lily's Current Collection

 Good morning,

This is Lily's current collection of "stuff" on her deck chair on the patio.  She's not allowed to bring most of these things inside, so she keeps them here.  

Here's the current inventory:

Stuffies  - the stuffed toys make regular trips inside to go through the washing machine, then are returned to the living room toy box where they go through this all again.

Chewies - a variety of hard rubber-type chew toys.

Antler - there is a deer antler in that stack of logs.  No, she didn't catch the deer and grab the antler.  Catherine has a client who brings naturally-shed antlers to her.  If purchased in the pet shop, these can be quite expensive.

Peanut Butter Bone - There's a bone at the top center of the image that is sold in pet stores to be filled with peanut butter.  It's a great project for pups that is a quiet activity.  Since it is now outside, it has to stay here until and unless I can clean it out to be refilled to use inside.  Once it comes outside, the ants and other buggies like to get their share of the peanut butter.  

Football Treat Holder - This is on the right side of the image to the right of the green and purple stuffy toy snake.  The football has a variety of holes in it that we service humans (ok, dog parents) can stuff with treats for the pups to rescue and eat.  This is another great quiet activity for pups.

Firewood - Ah, yes.  Firewood.  Lily likes to drag pieces of firewood to her deck chair.  I am looking forward to the first cold evening when I can round up most of that and use it to start a warm, cozy fire.

Yep, Lily is a busy girl.  She is a darling pup, but needs constant supervision.  I don't think she will follow our Labrador norm of calming down by age two.  I think we will have a lifetime of fun, games, and surprises with her.



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