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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Deer Visit

 Good morning,

We had a visitor to our property recently.

 This lady stopped by for some snacks, or perhaps a good meal, after we had had a great deal of rain.  We hadn't gotten any clean-up in the garden done because of all of the rain, but perhaps our visitor was happy about that.

Many of the properties around us use chemicals on their property.  We do not for a variety of reasons:  our dogs, the bees, and, of course, the lovely lady pictured above.

It was tricky taking pictures of our friend through a clear piece of the leaded glass in our front door.
I was quite surprised she stayed as long as she did.  

We love seeing the wild life.  Fortunately, the dogs didn't notice she was there.  Our dogs are restricted to the fenced area on the back of our property, but they could have seen this lady through the French doors in the living room or dining room.  



1 comment:

Sherry said...

I always thought my dogs would chase deer, if given the chance. Once a rather large deer was on the other side of the fence from Bailey. She quickly ran inside upon seeing it!