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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Car Service - Pups Waiting

 Good morning,

Catherine sent me today's images.

What do you do when you need car service and you have two pups in the car?

You take them out and sit by the front door of the dealership with them while you wait.

Fortunately, Teddy, left, and Elsa, right, are very well behaved babies.  Teddy belongs to our friend Erica and you know our Elsa from posts here.  Teddy was having a play date with Elsa when all of this occurred.

The pups were quite popular with people coming and going at the dealership.

 Catherine had a large crate in the car that accommodated both of the pups for the short time they waited.  In fact, the pups preferred to be in their "house" than out of it.  She only took one crate out of the car while they waited;  in the car they have their own space.

Our pups travel in their "houses" in the car for a number of safety reasons.  In case of an accident, we certainly don't want our precious babies running free on the highway.  In crates, they can move around, stretch, see out, and stay comfy either sitting or lying down.  They are also not able to get excited and jump into the driver's lap while the car is moving or going through a drive-through. 

 So that was the excitement for the pups that day.  I think they are just precious - so well behaved!

All the best,


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