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Friday, May 31, 2024

Views From the Bridge

 Good morning,

These are views from the bridge of Mariner of the Seas. 

 We're still in port, but will set sail soon.  Interesting, isn't it that we say we'll "sail" when there isn't a sail in sight.  ;)  Yep, that's the way it is.

 This is the view from the Wing Bridge down the side of the ship.

The bridge extends across the front of the ship.
That's a helipad on the bow.  It's used for medical emergencies when we are at sea. 
When he was working, Chief Engineer Kjell would be in the Engine Control Room just about now, preparing to make engine power available to the Captain. Today, he's enjoying the view.  Retirement is good!
Time to release the lines!

Here's Captain Tor on the wing bridge as we pull away from the dock.  

While Kjell was working we sailed with Tor on different ships and he was our Best Man 25 years ago.  It's also fun that we all live near each other so can get together when we are on land.

What a lovely day to go to sea!

That beautiful white sand beach extends all the way to Miami's South Beach.

More to come....

All the best,


1 comment:

gigi-hawaii said...

Beautiful ship! You must be thrilled.