About this Blog: Bread making recipes, knit and crochet projects, wood working, gardening, digital imaging, travel, cruise ships, Labrador Retrievers, and more....

About the Header Image: Idlebrook Wendy Darling Evensen "Wendy" one of our four Labrador Retrievers.

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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

 Good morning, 

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers!

The weather is beautiful in Northern Kentucky and traffic isn't too heavy.

 For years we drove these roads to and from ports for Kjell to go back to work on ships.  Now that we are retired, we are driving the same route to Port Canaveral for a cruise to celebrate our anniversary.

This is fun!  It's just like old times except for the work part.  ;) 

More to come....


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