Good morning,
Our Sweet Penny crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday, September 17, 2020. Penny was born January 31, 2005, so had lived to a ripe old age of fifteen years, seven and a half months.
Penny was a highly decorated Canine Athlete so was always in excellent physical shape.
Our daughter, Catherine, was her trainer. Penny retired the day Kjell and I retired from the High Seas so we had four good years with her at home. Before that, we came and went every ten weeks between home and Kjell's job at sea. It was always painfully difficult to leave home and family to go back to work at sea and marvelous to get home from the sea to our entire family, humans and canines alike.
Penny, with Catherine as her trainer and always at her side, earned more titles and awards than there is room to spell them all out.
Below is her official name with titles and awards earned. She was a Master Agility Champion Three times over. Most of the titles have to do with agility achievements, but the last one is so very precious, too, and was an exact description of Penny: AKC Canine Good Citizen.
MACH3 PACH2 Penelope T. Labrador
Penny has more letters and titles than any of us mere humans, even with our assortment of degrees.
We thank our friend and Penny's breeder, Alicia Miller, of Millstone Labradors who bred such a fabulous dog.
We are grieving your loss, Penny, and miss you terribly, but we know you are now without pain and running free. You were never grumpy, never complained, and always wanted to please. We loved you so from the moment we brought you home and tucked you into bed with us that first night to begin your journey as a valued member of our family.
Love you,