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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Viking Food

 Good morning,

My Honey, Kjell, was born and grew up in the oldest Viking town in Norway.

Vikings are known for their love of potatoes and hi-fat meats.  Of course, these things kept them warm and fed in their cold climate.

A treat that I make for Kjell is potatoes cut to bite size pieces, placed in a baking dish, sprinkled with olive oil, covered with one package of Lipton Dry Onion Soup Mix, tossed to cover potatoes with olive oil and soup mix, and baked at 350 for 45 minutes.  

Then I remove from oven to add sausage (this is Polish sausage) that I've cut into bite size pieces and return it all to the oven for another 15 to 20 minutes.

I like to eat mine with a side of apple sauce.  Yum!

 Yes, it is not healthy.  Yes, it tastes delicious.  No, we don't have it very often.



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