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Monday, August 28, 2023

Childhood Memories

 Good morning,

I made this for lunch yesterday.  Yep, a PBJ on my toasted home made bread.

When I was a child in elementary school (now called middle school, I believe) I got myself up when my alarm went off, got ready for school, made my own breakfast (similar to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich above), stirred up a pitcher of frozen orange juice and drank a glass of it, then walked to school.  Of course, my parents monitored all of this, but I was quite independent.

My Mom was a Montessori Mom long before we knew much about Maria Montessori.  We grew up to be quite independent from an early age.  That's why I was so surprised to see other parenting methods among my friends when I had children of my own.  Their mothers actually got up and told the kids to get up to go to school.  Wow, what a difference!  I'm glad I didn't know any better when I was in school.

Something else pretty terrific about my family when I was a child was that we had dinner together every evening. 

I hope you also have fond memories of your childhood.  All of these memories came floating back today as I made a PBJ for lunch....


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