Good morning,
Recently I published a picture of the pink hardy hibiscus in our front yard. The white one above is one of many we have in the back yard. These all came with the house more than 30 years ago.
I'm also drying lavender again. This bunch is hanging in my garden shed. More lavender sachets are coming soon. :)
Here is one more image from outside. Do you remember when we got home from Florida a couple of weeks ago and immediately had to have a trench dug for a
new electric line to the garage? That trench went through the beautiful unexpected July green lawn I found in the back yard. That same day I spread grass seed where the soil had been dug, then watched the birds arrive to work on what they could find. I didn't mind sharing. :) Anyway, between my watering and a tiny bit of rain, we actually have some grass growing!

This is preparation for a job that is coming soon inside the house. Regular readers know we have just had our living room, dining room, and hallways all the way to the third floor painted. The drapes have been cleaned and rehung. Next the new carpet will be installed. As soon as we get the call from the carpet people to schedule that installation, I'll box up everything from the curio and get it out of the dining room so the curio can be moved. I'll carefully clean everything before putting it all back together. This isn't a fun job, but was due to be done soon anyway.
And, then there is Sr. Mary Frances. There she is in the image to the right.
At the beginning of July a very nice lady in Iowa purchased one-of-a-kind Sr. Mary Frances from
my Etsy shop. I have quite a few original design doll outfits for Barbie and American Girl size dolls in my shop.
Sr. made such a hit out there in Iowa that the lady asked if I could make three more habits for her dolls and design a friar's robe for her Ken doll. I said yes, she ordered the outfits, and I have been hard at work every second I can find. It has been a challenge to make four outfits quickly.
The lady sent me images of a beautiful display of a convent that appears to be overlooking St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. I am very pleased my designs will be part of her display.
So, I have been hard at work! And, the outfits are finally finished. The three nun's habits are below. All of the pieces for three outfits are there, too, but only the center doll has the entire outfit on.
Every spare and sometimes stolen moment was spent crocheting three identical habits and the friar's robe. Some of the crocheting went late into the night after other chores were finished. It's amazing how tiny that #10 crochet cotton becomes when you are trying to make so many outfits at the same time! The doll on the left is seated so her dress looks a little different here, but they are all the same. I should have arranged her dress differently for the picture....
Fr. Ken is finished now, too. My, what a handsome Friar Ken is!

Since taking these pictures, three Sr. Barbie costumes and one Fr. Ken costume have left for Iowa. :) My customer has her own dolls who will wear them.
I did learn something when I so ambitiously said I could make these four outfits in three weeks. I learned just how extremely time consuming it was to make these. Being on a self imposed deadline showed me just how long these take to make. When designing and creating at my own pace, I am sure I lose track of time! Time flies when you're having fun....
So, that's the update. When we got home from Florida I said I probably wouldn't be doing so much needlework, but it didn't work out that way, did it? I truly enjoy making things for our shop and sincerely appreciate those who order from it.
What are you doing in all this heat? If you are a needlework person, are you staying inside where it is cool to work on needlework projects?
All the best,