Good morning,
We love bread at our home and we love home made bread.
I've used both sourdough culture and dry yeast in this
recipe. This is because I don't have the time to wait for the sourdough
culture to do its thing. By using the culture and the dry yeast, I'll
get some of that great sourdough flavor, but will have my finished bread
in time for dinner with the beef stew that is already in the crock
pot. :)
Light and Sweet Whole Wheat Bread - Recipe

1-1/2 cups sourdough culture - If you don't have sourdough culture, substitute 3/4 cup flour and 3/4 cup water in addition to the ingredients listed below. The dry yeast will cause your bread to rise, but you won't have the sourdough flavor.
1 egg
2 T vegetable oil
2 t salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup water
1/4 cp honey
1 cup whole wheat flour
2-1/3 cups bread flour (or all purpose, but not self-rising flour)
2 t dry yeast
Place all ingredients in large capacity bread machine in order given. Set on dough cycle and turn on.
The first dough cycle on most machines is about 40 minutes. Watch the action to be sure a dough ball forms at least 1/3 way through the cycle. Add a little flour or water if necessary to get the correct consistency.
When first dough cycle finished, remove from machine and place in a greased bowl for first rise. Place the bowl in a warm place such as the oven with the light, but no heat turned on. If you place it out on the counter in a warm place, cover with a damp cloth.

This batch required about two hours for the first rise. Keep in mind that the temperature in your kitchen and the mood of the yeast can change the time required for the dough to rise. Also, the sugar and honey slowed down the action of the yeast so the rise took a little longer.
If you are using crockery or glass pans/dishes for baking, set the them in a warm place, too. I use my second oven with the light turned on.
This recipe will make two standard size loaves. For this batch, I'm using six small loaf pans and a small pie plate for a round loaf. By making multiple smaller loaves instead of two larger ones, I am able to share some of each batch with family and friends.

After the first rise, knead the dough to remove bubbles.
Grease bread pans.
Divide into the number of parts as the number of pans you will use. Shape in loaf shapes, and place in bread pans.
When it is finished rising the second time, bake at 350 F for 45 mins. for two standard size pans.
Remove from oven, turn out to cooling racks immediately.
Click here for more of my bread recipes.