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Friday, November 1, 2024

Breakfast Bread and Happy Birthday, Don!

 Good morning,

I made breakfast bread again, while also making two large loaves of sandwich bread.  It's easiest to make a big batch of dough, then use it for different purposes.

Above you see the bread finished and sliced to enjoy. 

 That's cognac frosting dripping down the sides.

 I only needed a small amount of dough to make the breakfast bread.  This recipe is honey and sour cream bread which works for just about everything.

 This little vintage casserole bowl was my mom's.  It is perfect for baking bread.

 This is how the two large loaves looked after the first rise and before the first rise, then baking.

After the first rise, I kneaded a small amount of the dough until flat, added blueberries and white chocolate, then...

...put a similar size piece of dough on top, folded it together, and placed in into the bowl for baking.

Here's a previous post which gets all of this into a comprehensive order so you can make this yourself if you would like to do so.



PS - Images of Don's birthday celebration to come....