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Sunday, August 18, 2024

View From My Window

 Good morning,

This is the view from my recliner in the living room where I do most of my knitting and crocheting.

That's the Xavier University Police on their rounds.  Catherine and I are both XU grads and I taught there.  

The Xavier Police are fantastic, caring people.  While Catherine was working on her graduate degree, she was the Graduate Assistant and also worked in the Computer Lab.  When she had to come home late at night from the other side of the campus, the XU Police were always available to escort her.  

Another favorite story about the XU Police:  One evening just a few years ago I was struggling to roll our trash can out to the street for pickup the next morning.  A young XU Police officer stopped his car and asked if he could help.  By then, I had the can in place, but how very kind of him.

Of course, that's our bird feeder on the left of the image.  Today their menu is my home made bread.  It has no preservatives so OK for the birds.  If I don't get out there often enough to keep that bird feeder filled, the birds yell at me.  We also have a pond nearby so they have plenty of water.  We have so many different types of birds visiting that I often have to check the Internet to identify them.

It is good to be home.

All the best,


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