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Friday, July 26, 2024

Trumpet Vine

 Good morning,

Do you see the orange flowers in the image above?  Those are Trumpet Vine blossoms.

 Here is a zoomed image.  If you've had experience with these, you know the hummingbirds love them.  The vines are also something you will live with forever unless you move.  

I planted what looked like a dead (at least totally dehydrated) piece of trumpet vine about thirty years ago to attract humming birds and it worked and kept working.  The humming birds visit and once in a great while I manage to get a picture of them, but not today.  

Also, those Trumpet Vines are now everywhere.  They will grow on tree trunks, fences, and just on open ground.  We have them everywhere.  But, that's ok.  The lawn mower keeps them under control on the lawn.  ;)

All the best,


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