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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Catherine's Christmas Dinner

 Good morning,

It's been so busy here that I haven't shared images and thanked Catherine for the beautiful Christmas Eve dinner that she prepared.  

I just love fresh salads and Catherine didn't disappoint with this one.  So many things I love:  fresh lettuce, blue cheese, bacon....  Yum!

 Catherine is famous for her mushrooms in wine sauce.  Oh, yes!

Also, I just love it that we use so many of my Mom's dishes, serving, and cooking items.  Wonderful memories of years past when she prepared dinners and I prepared dinners.

 The star of the dinner table was prime rib.  Perfectly made!

This was yummy, too.  No, not made at home, but surely terrific:  Tuxedo Chocolate Mousse Cake.

And, finally, flowers for the table from Kjell. Thanks, Sweetie. He has a secret shopper who brought them home for us.  

Thank you, Catherine, for a marvelous meal and being the secret shopper.

Love you,


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