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Monday, September 16, 2024

Wild Strawberries

 Good morning,

We have quite a few wild strawberries on our property.  This is the first year for a long time that we've seen bunnies here, too. 

We have hawks in the neighborhood so the bunnies "disappeared" for several years in a row.  We're glad to see the bunnies back.  

It's fun to see our pups go out in the morning and "track" the critters who have been through our yard overnight.  One day recently, there was a human back there who didn't belong.  We caught a partial image of him on our security cameras as he entered and left over the fence near our pond.  He was lucky there weren't any dogs in the yard when he was here.

Life has changed, hasn't it....


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Nice to hear the bunnies are back. My husband bought a droopy strawberry plant a couple of years ago and now we have a small patch growing.