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About the Header Image: Idlebrook Wendy Darling Evensen "Wendy" one of our four Labrador Retrievers.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Our Guy Erik

 Good morning,

Someone recently asked me about our 15 year old Erik.

Considering his age, Erik is doing quite well.  He's stiff when he gets up and walks (so am I), but that's expected.  He gets medications to help with his arthritis.

Generally, Erik can see and hear us, although not the same as before.  He still enjoys his food and wags his tail so life is good.  He barks more than he should, but we attribute that to a bit of doggie dementia.  As soon as he sees us and we cuddle him, he's fine.

We attribute Erik's long life and reasonably good health at his age to his agility, dock diving, gun dog, and general fun guy life.  He has always been on a raw diet that we prepare from people food as well as some of our people food that we share from our meals.  He has thrived on his diet to live to this ripe old age and is still chugging along.

So, that's the Erik update.  We are so glad he is still with us.   

Thank you for asking.


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