Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Home Depot Sunset

Good morning,

Catherine and I went over to Home Depot to pick up some paint.  When we came out we saw this gorgeous sky above the store.
We moved out further from the store and toward our car in the lot and got a different view of the sky.

It's amazing where you find beauty when you are busy thinking about and doing other things.  I'm so glad I keep my baby camera with me all the time. 


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Furniture Delivery

Good morning,

Here comes the new furniture we ordered a couple of weeks ago. 
It's amazing to see how these guys can move this stuff.  Yes, I know it's their job so they know about these things, but these things are so darned heavy!
 Put it right here, please...
 ...and the table, as much as I love it, will be moving to our son's new home.
 There's one of the two new side chairs on the walk and another love seat being unloaded from the truck.
 These didn't look so big in the store!
 This image was taken a couple of days later after we had taken the old coffee table to our son's new home.  Our new coffee table is a bit smaller and has a display case built in.  The new love seats are a bit bigger than the old ones, so the smaller coffee table makes the whole arrangement center well in front of the fireplace.

Now to get more of the items put away that were moved for the painting and carpeting adventure. 

Home Sweet Home! 

Does anyone else hate to do this, but love it when it is finished?


Monday, August 29, 2011

Labs and Britts at the Lake

Good morning,

That's our daughter and two of our grandsons in the image above.
We are still at our friend Erica's home and are now down at the lake at the back of her property. Pictured above are one of Erica's Brittanies and our Lab, Penny.  They are having a blast scaring frogs into the pond.
Finally, I am able to catch a dragonfly with my camera.  Now you see him... you don't!
Here comes Buster taking a shortcut across the lake.  ;)  These dogs are truly in their element here.
 This is the view from the far side of the lake looking back up to the house.
 A dog's life here is a pretty good life!  This is Tressel.
 The dogs took turns making the rounds of the lake, then swimming across it.
 Here comes our Penny.  They'll all get baths when they get back up on the deck.

Then it's finally time to go home.

Huge thanks to Erica for allowing us to enjoy her pool and lake.  Thanks, too, to our daughter Catherine who was here to help us with all the dogs.  We all had a blast!

 I hope you've enjoyed this great summer fun with us.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blue Spruce by the Pool

Good morning,

While we were enjoying our friend Erica's pool with our grandsons, I couldn't help but notice the beautiful Blue Spruce.
It was terribly hot when these images were taken, but I could just imagine how pretty these trees must be when covered with snow.

Also between sections of the deck by the pool, there is a small waterfall and pond.
 There are fish in the pond, but they are hiding under a ledge today.  It's so hot, it's not a good day to be in the sun.
 The pond and waterfall are in the center of this image.

If you look beyond the pool, you see a green lawn.  Far at the other end of that lawn is a fairly large pond.  Tomorrow I'll share the images of the dogs doing some frogging down at the lake.  ;)



Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sailboat Races

Good morning,

The dogs have had a swim, the boys have had a swim, and now it's time to sail the remote control sailboats.  The taller sailboat was a gift to David a few years ago.  Then Grandpa wanted one for himself so bought the smaller one.  Today there will be a race!
Boys and their toys.  :)
Grandpa made sure all the rigging was ready to go.  David's big boat was the first in the water.
Here comes Grandpa with the other boat. 
 The two younger boys took turns operating Grandpa's boat.  Now that's a nice grandpa!  First Isaak took a turn with the smaller boat.
 The race is on!  They just couldn't decide which way the race was going.
 They got the hang of it pretty fast.
  It was a beautiful day for sailing.
 Then it was Alex's turn.  The boys were very good at waiting for their turns.
 When it was time to take the boats apart and put them safely into their boxes once again, I asked Grandpa to hold the larger boat for a picture to show how big this boat is out of the water.   

We sure had a good time with the boys and the boats.  The boys have a real Norwegian seaman to teach them to sail.  ;)

This is so much fun with all the boys (of all ages!)


Friday, August 26, 2011

Boys in the Pool

Good morning,

Our three grandsons range in age from 13 to 6 so we had a separate swim time for them and for our Labrador Retrievers when we visited our friend's home.  Today it's the boys' turn. 
Erik is patrolling the sides of the pool.  He knows he may not go back in until we tell him it's OK.
The dogs were keeping a close eye on the boys.
Alex and Isaac were having a fabulous time.
 What a wonderful way to spend a hot summer day.  It's hard to imagine it will be getting much cooler soon.
 And, as a finale for the boys, here is David's the canon ball splash.

David and Grandpa brought along their radio controlled sail boats.  As soon as the boys were out of the pool and Grandpa got the sailboats ready to sail the great sailboat race began. 

The sailboat pictures are coming tomorrow.  I hope you'll tune in to see the fun when "the boys" raced their boats.

All the best,


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dogs in the Pool

Good morning,

We so enjoyed watching our Labrador Retrievers Penny and Erik in the pool at our friend Erica's home.

We had so much fun with the dogs in the pool, then the boys in the pool, then Grandpa and the boys sailboat racing that I took lots and lots of pictures.  I'm going to share a few of them in their natural segments today and in the next couple of days.  I hope you enjoy them with us.
Our three grandsons took turns throwing tennis balls into the pool for the dogs to retrieve. 
 No one has to tell any of them how to do this.  Boys just know to throw balls for dogs and dogs just know to bring them back to the boys.  It's in the DNA of boys and dogs.  ;)

In the picture above is also our daughter, Catherine, who is Penny and Erik's trainer.
 Is this fun or what!!!
 The dogs and the boys took turns using the pool.  The dogs sometimes want to be picked up and held while in the pool and the boys aren't big enough.  For safety, we let them swim at different times.

 Penny and Erik are very, very close friends and do most things together.  They are such fun to watch.
 OK, Erik, out of the pool now.  It's time for the boys to take a turn.
 Look!  Erik can make a rainbow!  :)

Tune in tomorrow for images of the boys' turn in the pool while the dogs stand guard poolside.

