Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dogs in the Pool

Good morning,

We so enjoyed watching our Labrador Retrievers Penny and Erik in the pool at our friend Erica's home.

We had so much fun with the dogs in the pool, then the boys in the pool, then Grandpa and the boys sailboat racing that I took lots and lots of pictures.  I'm going to share a few of them in their natural segments today and in the next couple of days.  I hope you enjoy them with us.
Our three grandsons took turns throwing tennis balls into the pool for the dogs to retrieve. 
 No one has to tell any of them how to do this.  Boys just know to throw balls for dogs and dogs just know to bring them back to the boys.  It's in the DNA of boys and dogs.  ;)

In the picture above is also our daughter, Catherine, who is Penny and Erik's trainer.
 Is this fun or what!!!
 The dogs and the boys took turns using the pool.  The dogs sometimes want to be picked up and held while in the pool and the boys aren't big enough.  For safety, we let them swim at different times.

 Penny and Erik are very, very close friends and do most things together.  They are such fun to watch.
 OK, Erik, out of the pool now.  It's time for the boys to take a turn.
 Look!  Erik can make a rainbow!  :)

Tune in tomorrow for images of the boys' turn in the pool while the dogs stand guard poolside.




  1. It is not the dog in the pool that worries me, it's the one just out, as you says: 'rainbow making'!

  2. I just totally enjoyed this one and didn't want it to end!!! Labs are the best!!!

  3. wow, that rainbow bit was epic :)

  4. What a fun way for them to cool off. I know our Sadie would love to join those two. I love that last photo!

  5. LOL, the rainbow stands out for me too! Dogs are a lot of fun. Especially in the water, they love it so! Cute couple they are!...debbie

  6. Hi Lois...that was so cute...your dogs are a wonderful part of the family!!
    Nice job with the rainbow.

  7. LOVED the photo of the 2 of them on the steps with the 2 balls set down, ready for the next throw. adorable!

  8. A place that is open for lovely dogs.

  9. The dogs are really enjoying the water! I love that rainbow.

  10. That is a whole lotta work for the dogs and they do it because they love to get in the water I am guessing. Nice shots.

  11. too cute...I love the shake at the end!!!

  12. Those are 2 lucky dogs and 3 happy boys to have such a wonderful pool to cool off in and after an IHOP stop too-one of our favorites too!

  13. What a fun post! I love the Rainbow shot!

  14. The rainbow on Erik's behind!! Sweet....he's no doubt a dog made in heaven. Well, heck...all dogs are good!! Y'know?

    Love the pool photos. They look entirely refreshed in the summer's heat, and enjoying some fun to boot!!

    By the way, my son's name is Erik---with a "K". LOL

    Good news and some MORE good news is my Friday post. Hope your weekend goes smoothly!!!

  15. Never seen a rainbow, "made" like this before.
    The dogs probably LOVE it.

    ( When I went to Sola Beach, with our dogs, there were times when I thought they were on their way to England:)

  16. "every dog needs a boy." Mr. Peabody

  17. This has been fun to see your grandsons and the dogs....every time I see Erik I think of the black lab my oldest daughter did have.

  18. My fur baby will jump in a pool in the blink of an eye! Looks like they enjoyed it!


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