Monday, December 18, 2023

My Chaperone

 Good morning,

Each evening after dinner I come upstairs to take prescription medication and to check my email.  I have a chaperone (aka a shadow!) who follows me each time.  

This is sweet Elsa who doesn't let me out of her sight if she can help it.

We see that Elsa's winter nose reveals the light spot scar that she got when she tangled with a snapping turtle at our friend Erica's home more than a year ago.  Erica has a pond at the end of her property where the pups like to play.  Obviously, the turtle didn't want to play.  In the summer Elsa's nose becomes very dark/black, but in the winter it lightens up and her very distinctive battle scar is visible.

I don't think Elsa will tangle with a snapping turtle again!

I hope you're on track with what you need to accomplish before the holidays.  We're coming down the home stretch here.  Today we'll go to the meat store to pick up a special cut order for Kjell to prepare Jule Ribbe for Christmas.  Watch this space for more about that!  

All the best,


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