Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Work in Process - Deck Two Sitting Room

 Good morning,

I have two large afghan blankets in process right now:  the one pictured is on "deck two" in our sitting room; the other is on "deck one" in our living room.  

The blanket pictured will have another/joining round of the medium blue you see in the textured yarn in the center.  This is my very highly textured circles and squares design and is made of washable acrylic yarn.  I've made sweaters for our daughter with the super soft multi-colored yarn and love how it looks and feels.  This one will make a beautiful Father's Day gift.  I just have to get it finished, photographed, and listed in the shop!

Aside:  We lived on ships for so many years that our home doesn't have "floors."  It has "decks."




Come see what else we've made!


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