Thursday, February 24, 2022

Work in Process This Week - Knit and Crochet

 Good morning,

Since I've made afghans and other large projects lately, I'm making some smaller ones this week to give my brain a little variety.  Above is a knit scarf that will match a basket weave knit hat already finished.  I'll list them both in the shop when finished.

 This is a very close up of a crochet mobius scarf I've started.  The muted colors are somewhat the same as those in the first image, but this is a totally different kind of yarn.  

I'm happy with how both projects are coming along.  I like to have both a knit and a crochet project going at the same time I so can switch back and forth to provide variety of movements for my fingers.

What are you making, baking, growing this week?


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