Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Relaxing Near the Fireplace

 Good morning,

I took this picture of Wendy relaxing near the warm fire a few days ago when the temperature outside was in the 30's.  

In typical Cincinnati fashion, the temperatures were in the 60's today.

Tomorrow, we'll be back to the 30's.

Go figure!




  1. Thank you, Gigi,

    Our fireplace is somewhat special in Cincinnati. It is made of Rookwood Pottery which was a Cincinnati company that went out of business many years ago. It has mow been revived and is producing once again. Having some of the original tiles is so very special. Rookwood pottery has become collectible and is quite valuable. Of course, the fireplace was here when we moved in nearly 43 years ago. The former owners in some fit of insanity had painted it! It took two weeks, lots of paint remover, and many pairs of plastic gloves before I was able to remove all of the paint.


  2. Everybody stay warm! I'd cozy up to the fireplace too if I had one.


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