Saturday, March 6, 2021

There's Gold in that Pond

 Good morning,

The ice that covered the pond in our back yard has thawed and the gold fish are more active as the weather is warming.  I was able to spot five of them through the vines and leaves.

When it gets warmer, we'll clear out some of the leaves, but they aren't bad to have in there, either.  The decomposition of the leaves creates heat that keeps the pond from freezing quickly, especially when the night temperatures drop, but day time temperatures are above freezing.  

I love seeing all of these signs of Spring!



  1. I marvel at God's creation, the fish able to live in winter, the fact ice floats, and what I just learned about the leaves decomposing and keeping the pond from freezing. When I first read the title, I thought it said "There's God in that Pond," and that would be right, too!

  2. Wonderful photo of your gold fish pond ~ foliage is great for them ~

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. My neighbor put a small pond with koi in it and one day she went outside to drink her morning coffee and found a heron eating them. Here in Michigan fishermen like to ice fish because they say the fish taste better cold. Beautiful gold in your pond! Janice


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