Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ground Wasps - Avoid Them!

Good morning,

If you come across ground wasps, avoid them!  We didn't realize we had them when moving, splitting, and stacking wood on our property.

I was stung through my garden glove by only one of them on Monday and this is how it still looks on Wednesday morning.  The immediate pain was quite intense, but not so bad now.  As you can see, there is still swelling.  It has slowed down my knitting, crocheting, and typing, that's for sure.

At first we thought our pup, Elsa, was reacting to carpet cleaner when several "sores" appeared on her skin, but have now become convinced she tangled with wasps, too.  She is recovering nicely.

Life goes on.  We will recover.  I'm glad the firewood is now all split and almost all stacked for the winter. 

I'm looking forward to really cold nights to convince all those bugs out there to hibernate.

Happy Summer,



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