Sunday, July 5, 2020

Party Beasties!

Good morning,

My Sour Dough Beasties had a party overnight and just couldn't hold their excitement.

This is exactly why it's important to put your container of sour dough culture on a plate if you are leaving it out of the fridge overnight.  I fed it, then left it out overnight so it would multiply those beasties and I could use it the next day, which I did.  The culture smelled and looked wonderful.  The bread I made with it was fantastic.

Of course, I poured a little of the culture in another jar, fed it with a little flour and water, then very loosely put the lid on for the beasties to have another party and multiply.  I sometimes use a crock jar, then put a plate across the top so the gasses can escape easily.

Baking bread is marvelous.  There is nothing to match the wonderful aroma in the house as it is baking.



  1. Wow, A Culture party! Is that the jar that I hear of mothers passing on to their daughters? I think I saw it on Great British Bake Off, they all brought their culture jars in and had a Show an' Tell.

  2. Sour Dough Culture takes on the flavor of the place where it is grown. Yeast is in the air everywhere; all you need is flour and water to make sour dough culture. Yes, this sure is the culture that is passed down through generations and shared with family and friends. I had a culture going for years, carefully put it in a jar in the back of the fridge when we went to sea for ten weeks, then came home to find it missing. My fabulous (I mean that) daughter had cleaned out the fridge, found the jar of yucky looking stuff, and threw it out. Sad, but not a terribly big deal. It only takes a few days to start a new culture. :)


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