Friday, January 19, 2018

More Snow

Good morning,

This is the view out of the door at the back of our living room.  No grilling today!  Generally in Cincinnati snow one day is gone by Noon the next day.  Not this time!  We just keep getting a little more and a little more piling it all up deeper and deeper.  It's a great time to be inside knitting by the fireplace!

We had some family fun a few days ago by having a "picnic" inside while looking out at the snow.  We prepared picnic food and thought warm thoughts.  It was fun. 

In the upper left corner we can see Penny patrolling the "South Forty" and a reflection in the window of a table lamp in the upper right corner.  Penny, Erik, and Wendy don't mind going out in the snow, but they don't stay out very long.

I hope you're staying warm wherever you are!


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