Thursday, January 18, 2018

Bird Identification

Good morning,

On our way to an appointment this morning, I spotted a bird that was the shape, but not the color of a male Cardinal.

This bird was brown, not bright red.  It is the same shape and size as a cardinal and was hopping around in brush near the ground.  There was a smaller bird with it that I couldn't see well enough to identify or photograph.

Does anyone have any idea what this bird is?  I'm sorry the picture is so bad, but it beats a blank.



  1. It might be a Cedar Waxwing, we sometimes see them in Southern Ontario in Spring, they like to eat any small crabapples still on the tree over winter.

  2. Could it have been a female Cardinal?


  3. Hello, Madame Papillon and Beth,

    I don't think it's a Cedar Waxwing. The crest isn't the correct shape. It's definitely a mature male Cardinal-type crest. I also don't think it is a female Cardinal because of the very definite pronounced crest and coloring. I didn't mention in the post that the belly of the bird was much lighter than the back.

    I've been searching through images on line and still am not so sure I have this one figured out. I appreciate all ideas from everyone. It would be fun to know what kind of a bird it is.



Thank you for taking the time to leave a message. I will gladly answer any questions you may have. You will find the answers right here in the comments section.