Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Peanut Butter and Sour Cream Bread Recipe

Good morning,

It has been quite some time since I have shared a new bread recipe here.  Almost every batch of bread I make is different from those that came before it.  I generally look around to see what ingredients I have handy for bread and create from there.  Upon request, though, I've made this one many times.

Today's bread is one kids of all ages will enjoy.  Below are the list of ingredients and directions.



Peanut Butter and South Cream Bread - Recipe

1 egg

1/4 cup peanut butter - smooth or crunchy

2 t salt

1 1/2 T brown sugar

1/4 cup sour cream

1 cup warm (not hot) water

3 cups bread flour

3 heaping teaspoons dried yeast


Place all ingredients in large capacity bread machine in order given.
Set on dough cycle and turn on.

The first dough cycle on most machines is about 40 minutes. Watch the action to be sure a dough ball forms at least 1/3 way through the cycle. Add a little flour or water if necessary to get the correct consistency.

When first dough cycle is finished, remove dough from machine and place in a greased bowl for first rise.

Place the bowl in a warm place such as the oven with the light, but no heat turned on. If you place it out on the counter in a warm place, cover with a damp cloth.

This batch required about 40 minutes for the first rise. Keep in mind that the temperature in your kitchen and the mood of the yeast can change the time required for the dough to rise.

After the first rise, punch down/knead gently the dough to remove excess bubbles.

If you are using crockery or glass pans/bowls for baking, set the empty bread pans in a warm place, too. I use my second oven with the light turned on.

If preheating pans, remove from oven.

For this batch, I am using a pan that makes 4 mini loaves.

Allow bread to rise once again; this batch should take about 30 minutes for the second rise.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 mins.

Turn out to racks to cool immediately.

Click here for more of my bread recipes.


  1. Looks delicious, and with it having peanut butter, I know my hubby and Lorelei's mom would love it.

  2. Looks delicious, Lois, but alas we have parted ways with our bread machine. Could the recipe be adapted for making entirely by hand?

  3. Yes, Beatrice, this can be made by hand. Combine all dry ingredients. Separately combine wet ingredients. Place dry ingredients in a pile on kneading board. Make an indentation in the center of dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients slowly while mixing and kneading. I use the bread machine just for this process because the machine is so efficient and I can multitask and do other things in the kitchen for that 40 minutes. After wet and dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed and blended, follow the directions listed for after removing dough from machine. Yum!

  4. Thanks, Lois, for the info...much appreciated.


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