Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Going Ashore in Grand Cayman

Good morning,

Way off in the distance you see the shoreline of Grand Cayman.  To get there if you come by sea, you leave your big cruise ship (right) and board a small tender boat (center) to cross the water to the shore.
Our good friends invited us to lunch ashore in Grand Cayman...
...and we were delighted to accept their kind invitation.
We waved goodbye to the security guard at Freedom of the Seas' shell gate.
This is the view from below of that hot tub that hangs over the side of the ship.  It's quite a view from any angle!
 As we pulled away from our "mother ship"...
 ...we took the opportunity to take pictures on this gorgeous day.  That handsome man above is taking pictures of Navigator of the Seas...
 ...while I took pictures of Freedom of the Seas as we passed under her bow.
 What a grand view!
 The two sister ships sparkled in the sun.  :)
 We were on our way to Casanova's Restaurant for an elegant Italian lunch. 

I'll publish a photo review of lunch tomorrow.  :)



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