Friday, June 15, 2012

Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway

Good morning,

A week or so before we left home to head South this time, we had dinner with friends who had recently driven North along the same route we usually take.  They told us that  there is a large earth slide near Jellico, Tennessee, so we quickly went on line to plan a different route this time.  These images were taken last week.
This is part of the usual route in Kentucky.  I had to take a shot of it looking so pretty, though, because I remember so much about this stretch of road.  For a long time there was construction here while they added a third lane in each direction.  An even worse experience here was when I was stuck in traffic for hours because of a snow and ice emergency.  It all looks so pretty now, doesn't it?   I hope we always see it this way now.  ;)
We printed out a Google Map and adjusted our car's GPS to go around the earth slide in Tennessee.
Our new route was to the East through Kentucky on the Burt T. Combs Mountain Parkway.  It was a gorgeous journey through this area of Kentucky.
 We went through real mountains, not just across them for a short distance.
 In one day we traveled from Ohio, through Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, to South Carolina.  The above information center is at a rest stop.
 Most of the road was a double highway.  There was additional access from side roads and fewer gas stations and rest stops than on the Interstate, but we didn't have any problems finding what we needed when we needed it.  :)
 That "mountain carving" out there is part of a new interchange for the highway.
 Yep, really in the mountains here.  Just gorgeous!
 A pretty day for the motorcycle. ;)
 I did a lot of zooming to get this barn through the side window.  There were so many great shots that I wasn't able to get this time.  We have to take this route again.
 It's hard to see, but there is a pretty little farm in the valley.
 We connected with I26 South and were back on our usual route, just North of where we usually reach I26.

This was a great deal of fun to go a different way through Kentucky this time.  Sometimes a detour isn't a bad thing at all.

More travel images to come.  I hope you are enjoying our trip with us.

Linked to Friday's Fences.
 Go take a look at more of them!


  1. I always try to take a different route when possible. It's so much more fun. (But what is an earth slide?)

  2. Your detour was really a nice change of scenery! Very pretty this time of the year.

  3. No matter what route you take, there are sooo many neat things to see. I love the rural areas with the old houses and barns and who knows what all! Even road you travel all the time, you always see something you haven't noticed before!! ...debbie

  4. Wow that was some beautiful drive! And the mountains and scenery are gorgeous. I'm back from 10 days in Alaska visiting family and friends, so should be able to catch up now.

  5. Hi Everyone,

    We so enjoyed our trip through Kentucky this time. We are still on the road, but in Florida now.

    Kathy, an earth slide is just that. Earth has slid down from wherever it was. In this case it was earth that had slid down the side of a mountain taking part of I75 with it. It could be a long time before it is repaired.

    Thanks, everyone, for stopping by and for your kind comments. I will be getting around to your blogs whenever I can get a connection in the US and have our own connection. When we are at sea the satellite connection is too slow to download most pages so we are content to have email 24/7.

    All the best,

  6. Just peeking it on your blogs, Lois. Prev. at your husband's.

  7. that information center is so interesting, so unique.

  8. Sometimes it pays to take a different route!! Lots to see and enjoy.

  9. Wow, had not heard about I75--when we go home, we get off up in KY....I hope no one was hurt.

    Your route looks like something we might like. I have been thinking I should get a Kentucky atlas. I have one of Indiana and Illinois and love them both.

  10. What a lovely route, so picturesque. My honey has a week off and we are trying to decide where to go for a few days. Tennessee was one of them but now we're thinking West Virginia or maybe up to Elk Country in Pennsylvania. Decisions, decisions!

  11. Detours are sometimes good things. We will be trying a different route returning from NH to VA at the end of July. Thanks for the reminder about Flag Day.

  12. i love taking photos while driving. such great ones. i love it!! (:

  13. That really is a pretty part of KY, Lois. Thanks for the tour!

  14. It was a beautiful route you drove!

  15. Six states in a day, that is some trip!


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