Friday, January 6, 2012

Newport Aquarium with the Girls

Good morning,

My Honey and I are the proud grandparents of eight terrific children, six of whom live near us in Cincinnati.  Last summer we had an outing with the three boys for swimming, boat racing, and playing with the dogs.  Recently, we took the three girls to the Newport Aquarium, then out to lunch.  We had a fabulous time!
I really like turtles and was happy to find this guy at the aquarium.  It appears he is posing for me to take his picture.
We were here just after Christmas so the Christmas show and decorations were still here.  The children were given a map and encouraged to find Santa's reindeer that were hiding around the building.
Of course, Grandpa took plenty of wonderful pictures of the fish.  He has published some of them on his blog and I am sure there are more to come.
There was a special show at the Aquarium!  Scuba Santa in the shark tank interacted with the children in the theater.  I got a kick out of Santa's helper, the (huge) elf in the center of the tank was there with a long pole to keep the sharks from taking a bite out of Santa. 
 In addition to fish, there are also birds...
 ...and toads.  These toads would surely disappear from view on the muddy bottom of a river.
 At the end of this section was a place where the kids could climb on the frogs.  What a photo op!

Then it was off to lunch at the Irish Pub at Newport on the Levee. It was such a pleasure to spend the day with such great, well-behaved children.   We have good reason to be proud of them!

All the best,


  1. What beautiful grand girls you have!! It's so much fun to take them places together I bet! I enjoy taking my two. Looks like a very fun day! ...debbie

  2. Look at the size of those toads.

  3. Isn't it wonderful to be a grandparent? And lucky girls to have your attention. Looks like a very fun outing.

  4. your girls are beautiful!

    those toads are too cute!

  5. HI Lois...very lovely young ladies
    you have for should be very proud..: }
    I say like Judy look at the size of those toads lol!!
    Way to go Grandparents!!

  6. How fun! I took my grandson to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta a couple of years ago and we really had a good time. Your granddaughters are so pretty!

  7. Good photos of the aquatic centre, and your granddaughters. I hope that you all enjoyed it Irish lunch.

  8. What fun! They're such a cute bunch!

  9. What a blessing to have shared this trip with lovely granddaughters.

  10. They are beautiful girls! You are so blessed to have them close to you...

  11. Looks like a wonderful aquarium. So much fun to go with your granddaughters.

  12. Don't you just love grandchildren time? What lovely girls you have.


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