Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dinner at Mammy's - Bardstown, Kentucky

Good morning,

Today's images are still from our trip to Bardstown, Kentucky.  This was our first evening in town and we were wandering around the main street looking for a restaurant where we had enjoyed a bourbon sauce covered steak a few years earlier.  We learned that restaurant had closed (maybe we didn't come back often enough?) so we wandered on to find another place.  We peered into the front window of this restaurant and the gentleman in the red plaid shirt to the right made huge waving motions inviting us in. 
We came in and chatted with him and his beautiful family.  It didn't take much for us to decide this was the perfect place for dinner.  The decor is wonderful.  I just LOVE all of those blue plates in the cabinet. 
We were entertained by this great couple during dinner.  ;)
 The restaurant has the period metal ceiling and tile floor.
 Back to the entertainment.  While talking with the man in the red shirt when we first came in, he asked why we were in Bardstown and I told him we were here on a birthday trip for My Honey.  Mr. Red Shirt shared that with the entertainment who made sure everyone in the establishment serenaded the Birthday Guy with the birthday song.  It was GREAT!
 We got to know the folks at the next table pretty well.  The lady on on the right is the grandmother of the young man who just arrived to show off his new haircut.  She was quite impressed. ;)  I requested an picture and he gladly posed.  These people are so terrific!  The little kids are just gorgeous.
 And, here's our steak dinner at Mammy's.  Yum!  Yes, I took the picture before I started eating again.  That's not easy, you know.  I got a kick out of the potato sticks in the salad:  gotta make sure we get those carbs! 
 We shared a (huge) piece of coconut cream pie for dessert.  This IS a birthday trip. 
 I asked the server to pose for a picture of the back of her shirt:  "Good Cookin Makes ya Good Lookin"  So true in this town!
 It was finally time to head "home" to our Hampton Inn for the night.  Our hotel is just on the outskirts of the old part of town which was so very convenient.

I hope you're enjoying our birthday trip to Bardstown, Kentucky.



  1. You really know how to find the neat, off the beaten path kind of places!

  2. You had such a wonderful trip to Bardstown! This restaurant looks like the perfect place for dinner.

  3. that looks totally yummy! love the young man's haircut! suits him well!

  4. I LOVE Coconut Cream Pie...That looks delicious. What a fun trip you've had.

  5. ...this place looks great! I love the's just fun.

  6. Looks like a great restaurant...we love eating at local places instead of franchises.


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