Sunday, August 7, 2011

Visiting Mom and Dad

Good morning,

My Honey and I took a trip out to visit my Mom and Dad recently.  They are buried here in this beautiful place, but I feel I they are with me every day in my life wherever I am. 
When out taking pictures I feel my Dad with me.  I remember him helping me to frame a shot when my hands were barely big enough to get them around a Brownie Hawkeye camera.
When I am in my kitchen baking or in my garden planting I so often think of Mom.  She made wonderful things for us to eat.  She planted a beautiful garden.  She sewed every costume for every ballet recital for me for ten years.  She shared her talents with us and taught us how to do it ourselves.
While I am knitting or crocheting I think of her when I reach for the scissors that my Mother used for so many years or her button or thread box to see what is in it to match my current project.  I love having all of her needlework tools and supplies to hold in my hands and use.   She tatted and sewed.  I knit and crochet.  When my children were little, I made 90 percent of their clothes and mine.  No matter what I did she marveled at how beautiful it was. 
My Father loved birds.  He loved photographing them or just sitting outside to watch and listen to them.  When he moved in with us after Mom had died he loved to sit out on our patio and just watch the birds.  By then his eyes were too dim and his hands too unsteady to hold a camera.   But, he still loved his birds.

When I took the above picture of the feather in the grass at the cemetery, I didn't realize I was getting a reflection from the sun.  Or, maybe that isn't just the sun smiling back at me....
When My Honey and I are out traveling I remember all those Sunday rides with Mom and Dad. I remember how much fun they had traveling together after they retired.  I remember taking Dad on road trips after Mom died and he no longer spent every moment of every day caring for her during her final illness.  I remember how grateful he was that I would spend the time to take him out.  The pleasure truly was mine.  I wish I could do it again today.

Most importantly, Mom and Dad shared their love which is still warm and alive inside of us.
 Mom and Dad are here and they are even closer.  They are inside of me.

Mom died in 1985 and Dad died in 1998, yet I still feel them so very close to me. 




  1. So warm words.
    It's difficult for me to say in english what I feel when I read this.


  2. What a beautiful post. Memories are our most precious gift. No one can take them away from you. Lovely phots too.

  3. A lovely resting place in which to visit and remember your parents, Lois. Like's some of the cherished personal items that bring thoughts of mine everyday. I have my mother's sewing basket also, she was a quilter and my dad loved his garden. They both rest at Spring Grove Cemetery.

  4. What a beautiful tribute to your Mom and Dad.

  5. What a lovely post, and warm tribute to your parents. My Mom died in 2001 from Leukemia, and my Dad is still with me at age 89...soon to be 90. He still lives in his own little house a few blocks away, and I'm over there every morning to have coffee with him and visit. I'm enjoying him while I can.

  6. What a beautiful place. So peaceful. Really beautiful oat about your mom and dad.

  7. What a wonderful post. Enjoyed reading about your parents and how you still have your mom's knitting tools and about your dad teaching you how to frame a photo. Sounds like your family was realy close. Made me smile reading it and feeling your love for your parents...debbie

  8. Lois, this was absolutely beautiful. hold them close as they are still with you.

  9. Oh, Lois, this was truly a joy to read!

  10. What a wonderful tribute to your parents. You are so fortunate to come from a good home. And that feather photo!

  11. Good Sunday Morning Lois, A very beautiful tribute to your parents this morning. What a "gift" the feather is with the "light" smiling back at you. Reminders that our parents love goes with us through life. It sounds like you learned the lesson of loving and giving very well from them and I know they appreciated/loved you very much. Have a blessed day.

  12. Lovely post, wonderful place. My dad's ashes are at sea, he died ten years ago. I ate t my mom's today, like any Sunday.

  13. Oh Lois I have tears in my eyes. How sweet your words were and I do understand. I still have many of my mom's things around me and use them often with her in mind. It's only been two years since she's been gone and I still sometimes don't feel as though she isn't here anymore.
    Your photos were just beautiful, I'm sure your dad would be proud of you!
    Love Di ♥

  14. so many beautiful memories Lois...I'm glad you feel your parents' presence so strongly, that is a deep blessing. I'm grateful that mine are both still here on this earth with me and that I will be spending the week with them. I pray that I will sense them around me always even after they leave their bodies, the way you do.

    gentle steps

  15. such a beautiful place to visit and remember....

  16. Your parents left a wonderful legacy for you and you are truly fortunate to have such wonderful memories to cherish. My own mother passed away when I was a year old and what I wouldn't give for just one memory of her!

  17. Wow, what a strong and lovely posting!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Keep all the good memories in your heart!

  18. A lovely tribute to your mom and dad Lois. My parents are with me in my heart too.

  19. What a beautiful post, written with so much love and gratitude!! Yes, I am sure the sun is smiling back at you. I can see you love your parents very much and you have given them the best you can when they were alive. We will never stop missing those even when they are gone. They may not be physically be with us but they always in our hearts and thoughts. My late hubby passed away in 1991 but whenever I go places that we have been before, eat food that we shared before, etc, it brings back fond memories of him. As for my parents, I am not close with my Dad but very close with my mum. She has been staying with me since the day I was born and we not been separated one day. Now she is 76 but still alert and strong and we still do things together everyday. I feel so blessed and I know I will be devastated if I loose her someday. However, I will love her to my best and spend as much time as I can with her. Thanks so much for sharing your memories of your mum and dad with us. Have a lovely week. HUGS!!

  20. Thank you so much, everyone, for your kind comments. I have met so many wonderful people out here in blog land.

    Very best,

  21. Such a warm, loving, and reminiscent post. I loved reading your words of life as it was with them, all to know that they're still 'with' you at heart!!!

    Beautiful photos.

    HIDDEN SAND DOLLAR ...Happy Monday.

  22. Beautiful spot for your parents to be, Lois!

  23. what a lovely tribute to your parents. thank you

  24. Lovely post and such beautiful memories of your parents. Your life will always be touched by them in many ways as long as you hold them in your heart.


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