Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Appalachian Highway - Mini Road Trip

Good morning,

We're on another mini road trip today, this time from Cincinnati for a little ride along the Appalachian Highway, also known as Ohio State Route 32.
We crossed the I-471 Daniel Carter Beard Bridge (aka the Big Mac Bridge)...
 ...across the Mighty Ohio River to Kentucky...
 ...then a few minutes later returned to Ohio across the I-275 Combs-Hehl Bridge.  Confused?  If you're not from around these parts, that is very confusing.  From Ohio we drive into Kentucky, then back into Ohio to get out on the East side of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Soon we were on Ohio State Route 32 which is known as the Ohio Appalachian Highway.
This fellow was at the door waiting to get into the restroom. 
I am sure there is some meaning to this art work at a rest stop on the Appalachian Highway.  Does anyone know?  I did a little research on the Internet and didn't find anything.  I couldn't find a plaque or sign at the rest stop/park, either.
Back on the highway and past Ohio corn fields...
...then soon we would turn off to go North on this two lane road.
Our next stop will be in Mowyrstown, Ohio.  I hope you'll stop back to see the images we captured there.





  1. I guess you and I don't appreciate modern art!!! I have no clue what it is supposed to be.

  2. interesting fly - i'd have let him use the RR first. :)

  3. What a nice little drive! Thanks for sharing it with us Lois!

  4. Hi Lois...when are you going to have time to make bread????
    It must be fun travel about with your honey...
    Before the divorce we used to take rides in the country and take a right then the next left,and right, and etc. to see where we would end up...it was fun!!

    I don't know about some peoples idea of art ...but I think they must have something in mind..but that's questionable : }}

  5. Hi,

    OK, here's my take on the art work. It's either pointy water with pointy whitecaps or it's pointy sky with pointy clouds. Perhaps the artist left it to us to decide. Lots of artistic license there, huh! If anyone else has ideas, please let me know. :)

    I'm making bread during the few minutes I can get to my kitchen - now and then! We have had furniture stacked in there while we are in the process of remodeling the first floor and all staircases. Painting people finished, draperies cleaned and rehung (just LOVE that service!), carpeting just in, furniture on the way. Images to come - eventually. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by and for your comments.


  6. Looks like a GORGEOUS drive and your photos are fantastic! Was the rest area near a lake? It looks like jumping fish to me? I'm no artist by any means though! LOL!

    thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. The art looks like birds flying into the air (to me)
    And look at the wings on that insect! God's creations are so diverse.

  8. I'm thinking the art is meant to be birds...but that's because there's a similar one north of where I live that's definitely birds. :)

  9. Thank you ver much for this interesting pictures. Love it to see your country.
    The art work: I see fishes.

  10. It is always nice to follow you on the road, Lois! You let us travel and see so much of your country. Like some others here I too think the art may be birds.

  11. Oh, goody, a trip on the backroads! I just know the two of you came up with some wonderful photos.

  12. Nice little trip and great pictures. Sometimes the mini road trips are the most fun.

  13. It's always fun to visit other parts of the country through a blog friend's photos! Looks like you had excellent weather for the drive. Looking forward to more pictures.

  14. What a nice drive! Thanks for taking us along with you.

  15. Looks like lots of fun! Can't wait to see the rest of your adventure :)

  16. That sculpture reminds me of leaping/playing Dolphins! Nice road trip you're having.

  17. My goodness Lois, you two can't stay home even when you are home!!!
    Love Di ♥

  18. I love mini-trips...and love two lane highways...to get to somewhere. After that, I like country roads with no markings--you know what I mean.

    And I will be watching to see what you see to post. It looks to be a good place to ramble around.

    And I have no idea about the art work..

  19. You do such interesting drives as well as cruises!

  20. I recognize those bridges ... used to live in Cincinnati! Fun to see them again!

  21. I love the in-car pictures, they are tremendous.

  22. About the rest area artwork. Something like 20 years ago there was a plan to create an "Appalachian Art Corridor" along Route 32. Each rest area was to get its own original artwork. The first piece, titled The Windhover and produced by (I think) Gerald Manley, was placed at the rest area in Pike County. The second piece followed a design similar to the first and went in several years later at the Brown County rest area. There's a plaque at the Pike County piece that gives some details, but it's been quite a while since I've stopped there.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message. I will gladly answer any questions you may have. You will find the answers right here in the comments section.