Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Smoked Salmon

Good morning,

My Honey made Smoked Salmon and it was soooo good!

Here is his recipe:

1 side salmon (with skin is best)

1 T sea salt
14 C brown sugar
1 stick celery - finely chopped
2 t minced garlic
3 shots aquavit
4 C water

Mix marinade ingredients and allow salmon to swim soak in it for about 8 hours.

Place in smoker for 2 hours.

We enjoyed our smoked salmon with potatoes, salad, and veggies.
While my honey was smoking the salmon, I made some banana bread.  That's the same Betty Crocker recipe (plus 1/4 t nutmeg) that I wrote about here.
And, an update on the nifty cheffie plate that we received from friends: here is where he found a home with the lady bug plates above our cook top.  Thanks, Grete and Jerry!

Ah, home,




  1. I was just going to ask what sort of smoker ...but I see you have thoughtfully listed it. We had a bit of home smoked bass last week...(just a little old portable smoker that looks like a shoe box)

  2. okay, the smoked salmon plate looked delicious but a bit too early in the morning for it (as i still sip my coffee). then you threw in the banana bread and now my saliva glands are working overtime!

  3. My mouth is watering over here on the smoked salmon...I miss fresh salmon from Lake Michigan...sigh.

  4. Hi Lois..your honey can cook salmon for me anytime of my very favorite and the plate looks so good and refreshing for a summer meal!!!
    Tell him I have a frozen; Maine caught from a friend of mine and if he has a spare moment
    I love banana bread,but doen't agree with me in the morning so i will have that for dessert!! lol

  5. Oh that must have been a wonderful dinner! I love salmon!

  6. Good old Betty Crocker. I have one of her orginal cookbooks that I can't part with. However I don't use it. Enjoyed visiting your blog. Waiting for the knitting projects.

  7. This looks really good. I think I'll have to get up and cook something now!
    Love Di ♥

  8. The Smoked Salmon looks really good, albeit we're not fish eaters.

  9. Could you please send your Honey over to Australia, then he could do some smoked salmon here, it looks so yummmy. Ah and some banana bread too
    Most of the time smoked salmon is so expensive you can only get the thin slices which are great with steamed english spinash "Gournet Breakfasts"

  10. Wow, that sure looks good! I have been adding maraschino cherries to my banana bread, everyone seems to like the addition.

  11. Lois, it's obvious that your honey, Kjell, is really enjoying that new smoker. Salmon is one of our favorites so if that's on the dinner menu then we'll bring the peach or apple pie. Almost can smell that banana bread too.

  12. My oldest daughter loves salmon....and I love banana bread!

    I like that chef plate...I have a friend who has a lot of 'chef stuff.'


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