Sunday, July 17, 2011

Crochet Give Away - Summer 2011

This Give Away has ended.

Congratulations to the winner:


Good morning,

Since we got home a few days ago, I've been busy taking pictures of items and putting them into my shop.  You have seen some of them here on my blog these past weeks:  shawls, baby items, doll clothes, sweaters, and more.... You can see many of them now in my sidebar, too.

I decided it is time for another give away, too, so here we go with some fun stuff for a Summer Crochet Give Away.

Included are:

Button Brim Sun Hat
My pal, Clarence, is modeling a cotton baby/toddler Button Brim Sun Hat complete with sunglass button that buttons to hold the brim up off of baby's forehead.   The head size can be adjusted to fit your little one by adjusting the ribbon tie.

Tommy Turtle
Tommy Turtle is included in the Give Away.  He's all crocheted together so there is nothing for a small child to pull off.  He's stuffed lightly with fabric and is machine washable.

Fashion Doll Cape and Hat
Your favorite fashion doll will be ready for Fall in this Fashion Doll Cape and Hat.

 Crocheted Zero Calorie Cupcakes
And, finally, in the Give Away are these three Crocheted Zero Calorie Cupcakes:  one with Raspberry Swirl icing, one with Butterfly Candies icing, and one with Butterscotch icing.  You can't eat them, but it's fun to display these on your own pretty plate and watch the attention they get from cupcake lovers.

Only the items pictured below are included in the Give Away:

You can have three chances to enter:

1.  Post a comment to this post.

2.  Be a follower of this blog and post a comment to this post saying you are a follower.

3.  Mention my Crochet Give Away on your blog with a link to this post and leave a comment here saying you have done that.

The Summer Crochet Give Away ends August 24 and the winner will be announced on August 25, 2011.  Be sure you leave a way for me to contact you when you post your comments.

Good Luck!


And, one more thing...

 I'm hoping everyone will come take a look at my Shop where you will find some of these items and many, many more different crocheted and knitted items.

If you stop in and decide to make a purchase...

...between now and August 1, I'll include a free set of Six Brightly Colored Crocheted Luggage Identifiers with your order.

I hope you'll come take a look at Evensens Productions.  :)


And, tomorrow, we will return to our regularly scheduled blogging....  ;)



  1. Oh these are so cute! Count me in.

  2. Whew! Just posted a link to your site on my blog! I don't use hyperlinks enough to remember how to do it each time. Got the link but had trouble figuring out how to change it to just an underlined "here" rather than the long URL!!! Hope you get some traffic from it!

  3. do you ever stop???cruising, road trips, crochet, shop, baking bread....

  4. don't enter me because i don't have any little ones in my life, but i just have to say those cupcakes are adorable!

  5. I love the cupcakes. You did a wonderful job on all the projects.

  6. Your work is so lovely - count me in too!

  7. What an adorable giveaway. I hope I win! ;P

  8. Just look at all those cute knitted items! the turtle is so cute!! and I love the cupcakes!!...debbie

  9. I've been following you long enough to know that your crochet projects are fantastic, so yes, count me in.

  10. Glad to see you "home" and enjoying your "other" life :-)))) Love the "Models" especially the hat!!! And the "models" on the grill.... are we too late for dinner???? Just took a picture of a Lady Bug... will e-mail.... didn't know you liked ;-)

  11. Great cupcakes!!!!!! And those luggage tags are awesome and so practical.

  12. These are all sooooo cute...count me in. gotta join in your follower list! BTW thanks for all you lovely coments on my blog...they are so appreciated!

  13. These are all so adorable. Count me in please. :)

  14. Im in too Lois :0)
    Youre so clever !


Thank you for taking the time to leave a message. I will gladly answer any questions you may have. You will find the answers right here in the comments section.