Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Tulips at Home

Good morning,

The tulips last a long time in our garden because we have several varieties that bloom at slightly different times.  Back when I was home all the time to plant them, I had them arranged so they would bloom in succession and the new blooms would cover those that were fading. 
 These tulips are at the base of the magnolia tree in our front garden that I featured here a few days ago.
 This leaning tulip is leaning against the trunk of a volunteer Red Bud Tree on the other side in the front of the house.  I believe the tulip bulbs were in the ground before the tree began to grow here.
There is a story behind these "black" tulips (they are really very dark purple), too.  Our Cincinnati Park Commission gives away bulbs that have already bloomed and are being replaced at the end of each season.  It is a first come-first served give away.  A friend of mine picked up some bulbs and ended up with more than she could use so gave me these.  That was about 15 years ago and these pretties are still blooming.  I think it is wonderful that the bulbs removed are given to those of us who will enjoy them instead of being tossed into a compost pile.
I know the title of this post as to do with tulips, but for a little variety, here is an image of Sir Winston Churchill Daffodils that are quite fragrant.  These bloom much later than the King Alfred Daffodils and many of the more popular types.

Ah, Spring!




  1. They're all so pretty. I need to plant some tulips this fall now that I can see what I have growing and where.

  2. Beautiful! My hyacinths still look nice. The daffodils are just starting to fade.

  3. Beautiful Lois! Tulips really do make it feel like Spring.

  4. that's neat that those 'recycled' bulbs have been continuing to produce beauty all these years for you! love the daffodils!

  5. My faves were the black tulips Lois which is strange because my Black Hollyhocks are actually deep purple as well. I guess they just can't crossbreed to make a truly black flower. That's all I can figure.
    All of your tulips are beautiful! And that you staggered the planting is a wonderful idea, something I've wanted to do in my front yard. I'll get to it eventually. Thanks for the lovely view this morning!
    Love Di ♥

  6. Beautiful! Definitely looks like spring.

  7. Hi,

    You have captured the fist yellow tulip in its resplendent beauty. With your exceptional skill in photography this flower looks ravishingly beautiful.

    I enjoyed reading the interesting information on various other tulips. I hardly see tulips here in Kochi. They are not grown here and are brought for sale from other places.

    Have a nice day,

  8. Such beautiful you see many on board? :)
    Hope you had a great Easter! (I went away for a few days and it was really special!)

  9. Lois, I did so enjoy your beautiful tulips and the daffodil!! So pretty. I only have red and yellow. I need a bunch more. I meant to ask you how your knitting shoppe was coming? Was hoping for a few shots inside!! Was hoping it was going well. There are so many knitters out there, and wanna be's! ...debbie

  10. Looks pretty, and you are probably enjoying your garden for months to come.

  11. Hi Everyone,

    I just love flowers; can you tell? :)) It's amazing how well the garden is doing even though I can't be there working on it more often. I have quite a few flowers in the garden that were gifts from other gardeners. We give bulbs and plants to each other when we have more than we can use so they can live on elsewhere. :)

    Debbie, we are getting settled in and I am knitting and crocheting up a storm now! I'll be publishing some images of current projects as soon as I get a connection again with enough band width to upload them. The shop link is in the sidebar or you can go directly to Catherine is taking care of shipping for the shop. I am absolutely thrilled that I have gotten such a good reception with it. Right now a friend from Texas says someone wants a sweater exactly like one she bought from the shop a few weeks ago. I'm SOOO happy! I have doll clothes in the shop, too. Spread the word! ;))))

    Thank you so very much, everyone, for stopping by and your very kind comments.

    Very best,

  12. SOme of the tulips are so brilliant they look painted! I love the black tulips. Thanks for sharing them with us! Gorgeous pictures!

  13. Gorgeous tulips and photos! I wish they would grow here.....

  14. Ive enjoyed all your beautiful photos over the past few posts Lois :0) Spring has certainly sprung !!
    Cooling off nicely here...wont be long and we will be lighting the wood stove..cant wait !!

  15. I love that almost black tulip...I have an iris that color.


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