Monday, March 7, 2011

Winter in the Great Smoky Mountains and Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Good morning,

We are continuing our trip home to Ohio through the Great Smoky Mountains. 
We had come looking for snow on this trip and we sure found some this day.
After the snow there had been some warm days to allow for some of it to melt...
...and form this beautiful ice on the side of the mountains.
 Although it is still Winter, it is clear Spring is just around the corner.
 We are at a lower elevation now where the ground is soft and ready for Spring to move into the forest.
 This is an overlook above Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  Driving through the city probably wouldn't have been too bad this time since it is the off season, but had we done that, we would have missed this view.  We were here last November when the Fall colors were brighter...
 ...but this time we could see much more through the trees.  The sunlight was perfect this day.
 And, this tram is something we had never seen up here before.
 I don't know if this one is new or...
 ...we just missed it when we have been here before.
 Soon we were down from the mountains where the weather was warmer.  Here we are going through Pigeon Forge.  We didn't stop this time.

I hope you'll join us tomorrow for the last leg of our trip to Cincinnati.

Very best,



  1. I looked at those little boxes swinging from the wire and it gave me the chills. I rode one time, along ago, was frightened beyond belief. Have never been on another one and don't think I could. Fear factor is just too great...I'll take the ground any ole' time....debbie

  2. Beautiful pictures from the Great Smoky Mountains!

    Thank´s for your nice comments!

  3. Hi Lois, Thanks for dropping by my blog and becoming a follower. I look forward to following your trip. Really nice to meet you.

  4. You sure see a lot of beautiful scenery on your road trips!

  5. Hi Lois...I'm with Debbie on this wouldn't get me on that thing either : OO
    I like the photos of the ice cascading down the rocks!!
    Its been a nice we will be home soon??

  6. A gorgeous scenery, the first picture in particular!

    Have a lovely day, Lois xxxx

  7. Hi Lois, the tram isn't new it's been there for years. I usually ride it every time I'm in Gatlinburg and the views are great. It's not a bad ride at all.
    I'm headed that way with my daughter next weekend. Have a safe trip home. Was there still snow on top of New Found Gap?

  8. Are you ready to be home and baking some bread?! I would be. You seem to have a blessed life between that of the sea and that of Ohio!!!! Not to mention the beautiful travels between. Lucky woman.

  9. It still looks very cold in the mountains. Spring has not arrived yet!

  10. The trip looks great and your pictures are terrific!

  11. The ice pictures are great. We only get to see that when we head up to New England to see family. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Grenville

  12. When you get home, recommend a bread recipe using buttermilk, please. You are the bread queen!

  13. Beautiful Pictures!!! I've never been there..."YET"!!! BUT I plan on making sure I see everything there is in our beautiful country! Thank you for taking us along...
    Have a wonderful week, AND I'd LOVE for you to Peek at my blog...

  14. Hi Everyone,

    The mystery of the tram in Galtinburg has been solved. Thank you Mamabug. I still think I will pass on that one even though it would be a great place for picture taking.

    Deere Driver, I have buttermilk on the grocery list to fill your request. ;) I'll get to a buttermilk bread recipe as soon as I can get through this getting-home stuff! ;) I'm glad you asked. Buttermilk should make delicious bread.

    Welcome, Donna, and I did take a look at your blog. Very nice. :)

    I have all kinds of things in the works now that we are home. It is wonderful to be here!

    Thank you, everyone, for stopping by.

    Very best,

  15. I really like the ice falls from the side of the road! I have been fascinated by them for years!

  16. Love the formations made by the ice! Yup, looks like spring is coming !

  17. Gosh to many wintry photo i have seen today, and its freezing right now at my end. beautiful photography though

    My Watery Wednesday

  18. That is pretty interesting. And I like that frozen water photo too.
    Watery Wednesday

  19. Great post and nice images .... happy WW!

  20. You might a quick trip through winter before getting back to spring--not a bad way to go!


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