Monday, December 20, 2010

Motion in the Ocean - Freedom of the Seas

Good morning,

Here is a video taken on Deck 4, Promenade Deck, of Freedom of the Seas on another sea day this week.  We were moving at about 22 knots and the wind was against us. 

While watching the movie you'll hear the sound of the wind (quite loud) and there are little splatters of sea water on the lens.

I thought this would be a really cool idea to take the video, but had no idea it would take all morning and through lunch to get it to upload with my Verizon Air Card while in a US port.



Check out Watery Wednesday!



  1. That was awesome Lois! I felt as though I was right on deck with you! Maybe you should do more little virtual tours so that we can feel like we're on vacation too! It's really nice seeing blue skies and water while in this cold!!
    Love Di ♥

  2. Thank you Lois for the trip on the sea! I am a seaman's daughter and grew up by the sea so I love it :)

  3. Whoa! lots of waves!! Pretty view, eeek, glad we didn't fall in...gave me heart palpations...debbie

  4. What a beautiful sight, the water and the gorgeous sky. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. I tried uploading a few videos while we were traveling and finally gave it up as a bad idea. It's amazing how long they take, and then I kept getting error messages. Very frustrating.

  6. Good morning,

    I'm glad you enjoyed that one! It is so nice out here. The day I recorded that video was relatively calm. A day or so later we had much heavier seas.

    Yes, Elaine, it was nearly impossible to get this video to upload with my Verizon air card with a land connection while we were in a US port. The band width just isn't enough and the connection isn't stable even after we are docked. It timed out often and I had to start from the beginning.

    I have problems just getting still images to load while we are in US ports for a limited amount of time, so start at 3 AM when we get close enough to get the signal from a tower. And, while on a satellite connection at sea, I don't even think about uploading pictures, much less movies. That's why my posts necessarily lag a few days while we are traveling.

    Don't take all of that as complaining, though. I am very happy to be here. My Honey and I have been at sea for a long time now so have adjusted to the differences between life at sea and life on land. The key word there is "adjusted." Those who can't or won't adjust don't last long out here. As I have said before, I am thankful to have 24/7 email at sea. I remember when we didn't. ;)

    I am sure I'll have more videos to share when we get home to our high speed connection in a few weeks.

    Thank you, everyone, for stopping by.

    Very best,

  7. Hello Lois
    Now that reminded me of something we are beginning to enjoy. Loved it and thank you for taking the time to post it.
    Take care


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