Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Hello friends,

I hope your Halloween is safe and fun!

Very best,



  1. Hi Lois...I'm hoping I have no Trick or Treator's I forgot to buy candy!!
    Have a happy day!!

  2. Happy Halloween to you tooo!!! lol cute little fella! ...debbie

  3. Happy Happy Halloween, Lois! We do not celebrate it that much but I do celebrate today with treats ;) xxxx

  4. Very Cute Lois, Happy All Hallows Eve!
    Love Di ♥

  5. Hi, they don't celebrate halloween here so no trick or treaters here. Watched some scary things on you tube though. Happy halloween

  6. Good morning,

    I hope all of you who celebrate Halloween had a fun time yesterday. I'm into the "fun and cute" part of Halloween, not the "scary and horrific" part of Halloween. There are members of our International family who had no idea what Halloween is until we told them about it.

    No, Montana, I didn't make Mr. Scarecrow, but he has an interesting story. I picked him up on a clearance sale for $1 many years ago. He is very well made and the perfect character to grace our front door all throughout the Fall and until Christmas decorations appear. He spends the rest of the year carefully wrapped in a plastic bag in the holiday decorations closet.

    Thank you, everyone, for stopping by.

    Very best,


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