Wednesday, October 27, 2010

French's Fried Onions Bread - Recipe

 Good morning,

Today I've made a batch of French's Fried Onions Bread and my recipe is below if you'd like to try it.

I was already wrapping a loaf to give as a gift when I remembered to take the picture above.  :)



French's French Fried Onions Bread


1 egg

2 T vegetable oil

1 t salt

2 t brown sugar

1/3 cup sour cream

1 cup warm water

3 cups bread flour

1/2 cup French's Fried Onions

2 rounded t dry yeast


Place all ingredients in large capacity bread machine in order given. Set on dough cycle and turn on.

The first dough cycle on most machines is about 40 minutes. Watch the action to be sure a dough ball forms at least 1/3 way through the cycle. Add a little flour or water if necessary to get the correct consistency.

When first dough cycle finished, remove from machine and place in a greased bowl for first rise. Place the bowl in a warm place such as the oven with the light, but no heat turned on. If you place it out on the counter in a warm place, cover with a damp cloth. This batch required about 1 hour for the first rise. Keep in mind that the temperature in your kitchen and the mood of the yeast can change the time required for the dough to rise.

After the first rise, punch down/knead gently the dough to remove excess bubbles.

If you are using crockery or glass pans/bowls for baking, set the empty bread pans in a warm place, too. I use my second oven with the light turned on.

If preheating pans, remove from oven.

For this batch, I am using metal pans to make four loaves and had enough dough left over for a small glass pan.

Allow to bread to rise once again; this batch took about 30 mins for the second rise, then bake at 350 degrees F for 35 mins. Turn out to racks to cool immediately.

Click here for more of my bread recipes.



  1. This recipe really appeals to me, I will defintely make it soon. Last week I noticed Costco had an extremely large can of French's Fried Onions, wished I had bought them!

  2. French Fried Onion Bread! Oh my! doesn't THAT sound yummy. Mmmmm. I can tast those onions! Sounds yummy Lois!! ...debbie

  3. Hi Lois...your breads have made me gain 4 pounds just looking at them...well maybe that's because I have been not moving around to fast ; }
    I saw your post yesterday of your beautiful Grandchildren!!
    What enjoyment to watch them at play!!

  4. Who eats all of this delicious bread that you make Lois? Do you give some away? When all three of my kids were still living at home, I used to make two loafs a day! And I thought that was a lot! Love Di ♥

  5. That looks really good! I'm going to copy the recipe and get out the bread machine. I like to make bread but I love to eat it too much too! Those are beautiful loaves.

  6. You make such a wonderful variety of breads and they all look so good!

  7. OK Lois, you have us so ready to return to bread making - as soon as the temps cool down a bit. This one sounded good just from reading the ingredients.

  8. Good morning,

    Yes, this bread is really good and calls everyone in the neighborhood when baking if your windows are open.

    Welcome, Sheila. So nice to see you here. I'm traveling now and can't get pages to load on other sites without timing out. I'll be back to the real world of real connections in a few days and will come visit your blog, too.

    Diana, I give lots of my bread away. It has no preservatives so doesn't last long.

    Thanks so much, everyone, for stopping by.

    Very best,


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