Sunday, July 25, 2010

Krohn Conservatory Palm House - Part 1 of 3

Good morning,

My Honey and I took four of our grandchildren to Cincinnati's Krohn Conservatory.  Built in 1933, it is literally just down the street from where we live.  I came here many, many times as a child where my father took pictures of my brothers and me in many of the same spots as we took pictures today at this wonderful place.

I lined up the four kids for a picture before we went down the steps...
...into the Palm House section of the Conservatory. 
 Gorgeous plants abound.
I have no idea what the names of most of them are, I just enjoy visiting them and bringing home their pictures.
Little Miss Katie is a budding photographer.
And, here I've gotten all four of them to line up again on the little bridge that goes across the little "river" in the Palm Room.
Behind this waterfall is a cave that the kids just love.
And, of course...
...there are beautiful plants and flowers everywhere.
 Big sister, Anna, got in on the photo action... capture these gorgeous Birds of Paradise.
But, this is my favorite image in the Palm Room.  I believe it is a Hibiscus, but I have never seen one that is this beautiful combination of colors.
The giant palms tower over us in this giant room.
This image with people toward the bottom gives a better concept of size.
When we emerged from the opposite side of the Palm Room and back to where we started, I managed to get all four kids to sit on the butterfly bench for one more image today.

Needless to say, if you visit Cincinnati, Krohn Conservatory should be high on you list of places to visit.

I hope you'll return tomorrow when we will visit the Fern House and the gardens outside Krohn Conservatory.

Very best,



  1. One or two of my daughters have also gone there with their children. And they said it was nice. I have not been there and not likely will. I was at the zoo but it was years ago. I was in the vicinity of the zoo, as I recall when I went to university in the 1960s for my teacher training so I could teach in Ohio; and drove down there every day for what seemed like forever.

    Your photos of your recently trip reminded me of those times.

  2. Thanks for sharing, I love outings like this. You are lucky to get the kids all lined up for pics Lol, even a pic of Your Honey as he is ushering the kids on. I'll be back for the rest of the tour tomorrow See ya Rina

  3. I lived on Pike St. as a little girl(1-6)...Eden Park and the Krohn Conservatory are part of wonderful memories with my parents.

    Nice to have a tropical forest and desert so close!

  4. I forgot to mention what beautiful grandchildren you have Lois, mostly because a thunderstorm is moving in fast and I'm getting off quickly! :)

  5. gorgeous grandchildren Lois, you must be very proud.

  6. What a great place to take the grand kids! Enjoyed my visit there with you! Lots of pretty flowers, the Hibiscus was just beatuiful, I've never seen one that color either! Cute photo of the kids on the butterfly bench! It's nice to see children enjoying nature. Not enough of that these days with all the computer stuff around...debbie

  7. What a fun way to spend a day! Thank you. Looking forward to your next post.

  8. Thanks for the palm house visit and the photos of your grandchildren, Lois. I'll return for successive parts. Yes, I think the flower you showed is a hibiscus and it is beautiful!

  9. You did a great job keeping all four corraled long enough for pictures. Loved your garden tour!

  10. What a beautiful place Lois! And beautiful grandchildren. I look forward to part 2. Love Di ♥

  11. What a beautiful conservatory! That is really nice to be able to take your grandchildren to a place you went to as a child, and I complement you on getting them all to pose for pictures, not just once but several times. The photo of the Hibiscus is gorgeous! And yes, if we make it to Cincinnti I will definitely put the Krohn Conservatory on my list of places to go.

  12. Good morning,

    Yes, the Krohn Conservatory is a wonderful place. The rest of Eden Park where it is located is a good place to visit, too. There is an overlook of the Ohio River that is also a favorite for photographers.

    Abraham, you are correct that Krohn, the Zoo, Xavier University, and the University of Cincinnati are all fairly close together on the grand scheme of things. We live near Xavier University which is right up Victory Parkway from Krohn Conservatory.

    Wanda, I think we may be twins! We still live close together and have done so many of the same things as children.

    The grand kids truly are wonderful and. They are strong and smart and cute, too. Of course, I am a bit prejudiced, huh? ;)

    It was wonderful getting on my Verizon connection yesterday and being able to move around quickly to visit everyone on the Web rather than the click, click, click of a satellite connection! ;)

    Thank you, everyone, for stopping by.

    Very best,


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