Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Atlanta, Georgia to Vero Beach, Florida - Road Trip

Good morning,

We left our comfy Hampton Inn just South of Atlanta about 8:00 AM.  One of the first sights was the Georgia State Police at work.  Actually, we like to see that.  Hopefully, it tames some of the crazy drivers out here on the road.

Georgia grows peanuts, pecans, cows, peaches...

...and orange barrels.  The traffic flow wasn't hampered by the construction, though.  We didn't encounter any serious delays although there was a great deal of construction.

We make a point to stop here for lunch when we travel both South and North.  It's Lake Park, Georgia, just North of the Georgia-Florida state line.

If these guys eat here... know the food is good.  :)

I took this picture for my quilting friends.  This shop is part of the same complex with the restaurant.

Welcome to Florida!

Going around St. Petersberg which beats the heck out of going through it!

Past Daytona Beach...

...Port Canaveral... returning to life after a fire...

...and lots of canals... our "home" for tonight, the Vero Beach Hampton Inn.

Within walking distance next to the hotel is the Vero Beach Fashion Mall, a huge place with some of our favorite brand stores.  This is a regular stop on our road trips to Florida.  We did a little shopping the evening we arrived and a little more shopping the next morning before leaving for Miami.  :)  I love this place. :)

If you're enjoying this with us, tune in tomorrow for the last leg of our trip to Miami.

Very best,



  1. I am following you! I would have loved that restaurant next to a Quilting store,
    I am afraid it could have been a long stop :D
    When I was in St. Louis, we went to Branson for some days and then I also took a lot of pictures from the car. I wanted to share the travel with my husband when I got home.

  2. Well Lois, I've been to Florida a few times myself. And I must say after reading your post and seeing your photos, I really felt as though I was with you for the ride! Great job my friend!
    Only wish I could have went shopping with you too!
    Love Di ♥

  3. Good Morning.... been following your trip notes, this post has very familiar spots. Your Thursday post will be perfect timing for us, right! We were at the Marriott last night and saw Jimmy Rhodes, sure you remember when he was on the MJ.... he was so shocked to see us.... they are having a meeting there.

  4. I'm right in the back seat. Enjoying my free trip to Florida. Only thing is I'm gettin' sorta hungry. Cute quilt shop! Lots of police out and about, but like you said, they keep the nuts under control. ...till tomorrow!! ...debbie

  5. Hi ! Im in the back seat with Debbie,lol.Having a great time,enjoying the road trip very much :0)
    Dont forget to let us out next "feed stop"...I could really do with a coffee,lol.

  6. Florida is my home state - born and raised in Pensacola up in the panhandle. I was a beachcomber from the day I could walk!

  7. I'm late Lois almost missed the drive through Georgia. My brother-in-law lives in Daytona Beach, I'll meet up with you in Miami!

  8. Hello Everyone,

    It's so nice to have you all along for the ride.

    Marit, we've been to Branson a couple of times, too, while driving to and from Galveston, Texas. Branson is a destination in itself; there is so much to do there!

    Yes, Diana, the shopping is so good at Vero Beach.

    Anon, I know who you are! I haven't seen Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy for awhile either. Ricky is here now. I hope to see you and Mr. Anon tomorrow.

    For you folks in the back seat we will grab a cup of fancy coffee at McDonalds at the next stop. McDonalds new coffee is pretty good is so handy at the exits when we stop for gas. We also ate at a Cracker Barrel where we found a couple of things in the store next to the restaurant, an Ihop (my favorite pancakes any time of the day), and Berries in Coconut Grove. We got plenty (read too much) to eat on the way down!

    I'm sorry I never find yarn outlets on the road. The quilting stores have popped up here and there, but no yarn outlets.

    Well, if you have read my next post, you know we are all now on a cruise ship!

    Thanks again for traveling with us. It's always more fun to travel with friends!



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